Scientific areas of the congress
- Innovation and technological development in the world economy
- Foreign direct investment and its importance in globalization
- International finance and banking risk in the U.E. and the world
- International economic integration and trade
- Social economy and social policies in the world
- Economy, energy and the environment: the international challenges
- Labor market in the world economy
- Competitiveness and globalization: global chains and value
- Cultural and artistic sector in the international economy
- Tourism and leisure economy in the world economy
- Trends and perspectives of the global economy: the role of international institutions.
- New methodologies in the study of the world economy
- Poverty, inequality and economic development
- Health Economics; other areas of the World Economy
- Educational and pedagogical innovation workshops (workshops)
Standard Rules for articles / communications
The documents must be written in PDF format, to a space with right and left margins of 2.5 cm and properly paginated. The total length of the documents should not exceed 7,000 words, including bibliographical references, footnotes and annexes. Footnotes to documents should be placed at the bottom of the page, as well as numbered in ascending order (1, 2, 3, …).
The font will be Arial, size 12. Under no circumstances can underlined or bold text be used. The titles will be numbered according to the scheme indicated in the model (1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 2 …), will have Arial 12 format, as can be seen in the model (without capitalization). In case you want to highlight a phrase or word in the text you must use italic. For the decimals, the comma (,) is used in the texts in Portuguese and Spanish, and the dot (.) (In the English texts.
The first page of the document will include the title of the work in Portuguese and / or Spanish and English, the full name of the author (s), institutional affiliation (if any) and e-mail, a summary in Portuguese, Spanish and English of approximately 100 words each), between 2 to 5 keywords in Portuguese and / or Spanish and English and JEL classification (two digits) (see template in <template>). Authors’ names and personal references may not appear in the rest of the text, in order not to allow the author’s identification by the reviewers. For the same reason, self-citations should be avoided in the version of the article submitted for evaluation.
The tables or charts, graphs and figures should be integrated in the text properly ordered and with reference to the sources of origin. Each of these elements must be preceded by a title (Arial 12), numbered and ordered from the smallest to the largest. The font size for graphics and tables will be Arial 10. Color text should be converted to grayscale by differentiating lines with different symbols or shades of gray, since the printing of the copies is done in black and white. The lines of the images will be black at 0.5 point of thickness. Editing all charts and tables must be the original – adding a graphic or image taken from another document is not accepted.
The mathematical formulas included in the text must be numbered sequentially and can be edited with any equation editor, including MathType. The formulas will be written in Arial size 12 and in italics. Bibliographical references will be placed at the end of the text, with French ‘retreat’, following the alphabetical order of the authors. Do not include references that have not been cited in the text. All quotations from the text should appear in the bibliographic references. For more details on the bibliography see the following examples.
Reference examples:
A book with a single author: Sampedro, J. L. (1972): Consciousness of underdevelopment, Salvat, Barcelona.
Reference example of a book with more than one author: Sampedro, J. L. & Martínez Cortiña, R. (1975): Economic Structure. Basic theory and global structure, Ariel, Barcelona, (1st ed 1969).
Reference example of an article published in a journal: Sampedro, J. L. (1999): “A vision of underdevelopment 30 years ago”, Revista de Economía Mundial, 1, 135-143.
How to cite in the text: Bibliographical references that appear in the text should be in parentheses, indicating the author’s surname, the year of publication and, eventually, the number of pages as indicated in the example: (Sampedro, 1972: 32-33 ).